Cardtek USA kembangkan sistem mobile payment yang aman buat smartphone Tizen

Cardtek USA, salah satu pengembang software terkemuka untuk transaksi keuangan dan penyedia solusi migrasi EMV, dengan bangga mengumumkan anak perusahaannya, Phaymobile telah menjadi anggota dari "Samsung Enterprise Alliance Program" dan "Tizen Association Partner Program." Dengan pengalaman yang luas dalam Embedded Secure Element, Phaymobile akan mengembangkan software data untuk smartphone Samsung dan memberikan kontribusi bagi pengembangan Sistem Operasi (OS) Tizen untuk memantau dan memberikan keamanan maksimum untuk smartphone Samsung di seluruh dunia.

Bergabung dengan prestasi keseluruhan perusahaan, divisi Amerika dari Cardtek Group, Cardtek USA akan menawarkan infrastruktur yang lebih pintar dan aman bagi pengguna mobile payment dengan produk solusi layanan mobile HCExpert berbasis cloud.

Dengan tren pasar dan perkembangan terbaru, terutama di depan Near Field Communications (NFC), konsep-konsep seperti Host Card Emulation (HCE) dan tokenization telah diperkenalkan. HCE akan digunakan untuk menghilangkan kebutuhan buat elemen aman di ponsel untuk menyimpan kartu kredensial, yang pada akhirnya akan mengakhiri ketakutan konstan menjadi korban pelanggaran data.

"Ini adalah revolusioner untuk pasar NFC," kata Gokhan Inonu, Presiden dari Cardtek USA . "Bila dibandingkan dengan Secure Element Platform standar, HCE tidak hanya pilihan dengan biaya yang lebih rendah, tetapi juga mudah untuk diinstal. Pendatang baru yang membawa perubahan ini diharapkan dapat memberikan dorongan besar untuk solusi NFC, meningkatkan jumlah pengguna, dan akhirnya, penjualan e-commerce untuk $ 414 miliar pada tahun 2018 di Amerika Serikat, menurut Forrester Research. Kami sangat antusias untuk menjadi bagian dari gerakan revolusioner ini sebagai salah satu pengembang terkemuka."

Cardtek USA Unveils New Partnerships for a Smarter and Safer Mobile Payments World in the U.S.

Through its parent and sister companies, Cardtek USA is developing groundbreaking app softwares, infrastructures to increase data safety, and offering cloud-based mobile service solutions for the increasing demand for smart devices

CHICAGO, February 3, 2015 -- Cardtek USA, one of the leading software developers for financial transactions and providers of EMV migration solutions, is proud to announce its sister company, Phaymobile's memberships to "Samsung Enterprise Alliance Program" and "Tizen Association Partner Program." With its extensive Embedded Secure Element experience, Phaymobile will be developing the data software of Samsung smartphones and contributing to the development of Tizen Operating System (OS) to monitor and provide maximum safety for Samsung smartphones worldwide. Joining the company-wide accomplishments, the American division of Cardtek Group, Cardtek USA will be offering a smarter and safer infrastructure for mobile payment users with the cloud-based mobile service solution HCExpert product.

With the recent market trends and developments, especially in the Near Field Communications (NFC) front, concepts such as Host Card Emulation (HCE) and tokenization have been introduced. HCE will be used to eliminate the need for secure elements in mobile phones for storing card credentials, which will eventually put an end to the constant fear of becoming a data breach victim.

"This is revolutionary for the NFC market," said Gokhan Inonu, President, Cardtek USA. "When compared to the standard Secure Element Platform, HCE is not only a lower cost option, but it's also easy to install. This game changing newcomer is expected to give the big push to the NFC solutions, increasing user numbers, and eventually, e-commerce sales to $414 billion by 2018 in the U.S., according to Forrester Research. We are excited to be a part of this revolutionary movement as one of the leading developers."

About Cardtek USA

Cardtek USA, founded in 2010 to serve Cardtek Group's global expansion strategies, provides not only easily adaptable, but also effective mobile and digital payment systems, and integrated solutions to lead North America's migration to EMV chip technology. Cardtek USA is one of the subsidiaries of Cardtek Group along with CordisNetwork, CredoWork, Phaymobile, Cardtek Academy and one of the first MasterCard accredited companies, SmartSoft. For more information about Cardtek USA and Cardtek Group, visit
