DreamFactory permudah pengembangan aplikasi mobile enterprise dari AngularJS, jQuery dan Sencha Touch

Pengembang HTML5 yang menggunakan framework JavaScript populer seperti AngularJS, jQuery dan Sencha Touch sekarang dapat meningkatkan produktivitas dan merampingkan pengembangan aplikasi mobile yang sangat fungsional untuk pasar enterprise. DreamFactory Software baru saja mengumumkan seperangkat wizard dan resource yang membuatnya lebih mudah untuk menggunakan salah satu dari tiga framework front-end dan mengembangkan aplikasi mobile enterprise dalam hubungannya dengan DreamFactory Services Platform open source.

"Kami bertujuan untuk memecahkan masalah kunci yang banyak dihadapi pengembang front-end saat mereka merancang aplikasi mobile mereka: menghubungkan aplikasi ke layanan berbasis cloud yang penting yang digunakan oleh perusahaan saat ini," kata Bill Appleton, co-founder dan CEO dari DreamFactory. "Dengan pengumuman hari ini, kami menyediakan contoh integrasi rinci untuk masing-masing framewok HTML5 mobile teratas. Framework Wizard kami secara khusus dirancang untuk membuat lebih mudah bagi pengembang yang menggunakan AngularJS, jQuery dan Sencha Touch untuk bisa produktif dengan cepat menggunakan DreamFactory Services Platform dan mengambil keuntungan dari arsitektur pengembangan kami yang efisien dan modern."

Integrasi DreamFactory front-end framework baru memungkinkan pengembang memfokuskan upaya mereka pada desain dan pengalaman pengguna, dan menghabiskan lebih sedikit waktu pada integrasi back-end, dengan fitur berikut:
  1. Pengembangan aplikasi yang bisa cepat dimulai dengan adanya Framework Wizard yang bisa dikustomisasi. Cukup pilih framework apapun dan biarkan wizard menciptakan file awal dari JavaScript, CSS, dan HTML, dengan semua header yang tepat.
  2. Tool produktivitas untuk framework HTML5 mobile teratas. DreamFactory telah mengembangkan sampel integrasi dan contoh code untuk framework HTML5 populer seperti AngularJS , jQuery dan Sencha Touch.
  3. Dukungan CORS untuk situs Web dan lingkungan pengembangan eksternal. Sekarang Anda dapat mengedit aplikasi HTML5 Anda pada desktop atau dalam lingkungan pengembangan populer seperti Plunker dan GitHub.

DreamFactory Services Platform menyediakan akses ke set resource back-end yang kaya melalui REST interface yang mendukung dokumen JSON dan XML. REST interface ini berbasis standar, arsitektur mobile open source yang memungkinkan pengembang untuk menghubungkan aplikasi HTML5 dan native untuk beragam layanan web termasuk SQL Data, BLOB Storage, User Management, App Hosting, dan External Integration.

DreamFactory Services Platform ini tersedia sekarang disini dengan lisensi open source dari www.dreamfactory.com.

HTML5 developers who use popular JavaScript frameworks such as AngularJS, jQuery and Sencha Touch can now boost their productivity and streamline the development of highly functional mobile apps for enterprise use. DreamFactory Software has just announced a suite of wizards and resources that make it even easier to use any of the top three front-end frameworks and develop mobile enterprise apps in conjunction with the open-source DreamFactory Services Platform.

"We're aiming to solve a key problem that many front-end developers face as they design their mobile apps: connecting the app to the essential, cloud-based services that power today's enterprises," said Bill Appleton, co-founder and CEO of DreamFactory. "With today's announcement, we are providing detailed example integrations for each of the top mobile HTML5 frameworks. Our Framework Wizard is specially designed to make it even easier for developers who use AngularJS, jQuery and Sencha Touch to quickly get productive using DreamFactory Services Platform and take advantage of our efficient and modern development architecture."

The new DreamFactory front-end framework integration lets developers focus their efforts on design and user experience, and spend much less time on back-end integration, with the following features:
  1. Fast-start application development with custom Framework Wizards. Just select any framework and let the wizard create the initial JavaScript, CSS, and HTML files, with all the right headers.
  2. Productivity tools for the top HTML5 mobile frameworks. DreamFactory has developed integration examples and sample code for popular HTML5 frameworks such as AngularJS, jQuery and Sencha Touch.
  3. CORS support for external websites and development environments. Now you can edit your HTML5 application on the desktop or in popular development environments like Plunker and GitHub.

DreamFactory's new DSP wizards get a warm reception from top developers

Modus Create is a product development, training, and services company based in Reston, VA. Developers at Modus Create recently used the new Sencha wizard for DreamFactory Services Platform to build a corporate address book application. The new wizard considerably reduced development efforts by providing a boilerplate Sencha application connected to the DreamFactory Services Platform.

"DreamFactory DSP enabled me to easily set up and develop my application from end to end. The DreamFactory Services Platform is ideally suited for a front-end developer to implement and deploy HTML5 applications," said Mike Schwartz, software architect at Modus Create and the creator of SilkJS.

Chris Van Vleit, CTO of Momentum Design Lab, a focused, user interface design and dev firm headquartered in Silicon Valley, California, sees the productivity benefits of the new DSP wizard: "The DreamFactory platform is awesome, and now the new Framework Wizard is like a one-two punch for knocking mobile projects out. We are super excited about taking it to our customers!"

Tesera Systems is a consulting firm specialized in connecting people, data, and technology, and with a focus on geospatial solutions. Developers at Tesera recently discovered the DreamFactory Services Platform and have moved towards leveraging DreamFactory to more easily share generic system components between custom client apps and services for the oil and gas and insurance sectors.

"Dreamfactory, coupled with AngularJS, enables our preferred approach to product implementation. Moving beyond throwaway prototypes, we are now able to create the entire front end of the website interactively with our clients, then plumb in the services from Dreamfactory to make it real," said Yves Richard, senior systems developer at Tesera Systems Inc.

DreamFactory enables enterprise mobility using agile development techniques

The DreamFactory Services Platform provides access to a rich set of back-end resources through a REST interface that supports both JSON and XML documents. This standards-based, open-source mobile architecture enables developers to connect HTML5 and native applications to a wide array of web services including SQL Data, BLOB Storage, User Management, App Hosting, and External Integration.

The key features of the DreamFactory Services Platform include:
  • Admin Console. Each DreamFactory Service Platform (DSP) comes with a built-in Admin Console written in HTML5 that helps system administrators build applications for end users, manage users and roles, create SQL schema, and connect to external services.
  • App Hosting. A DSP can host any number of applications that share access to the service architecture and various data objects. Each application is a mini website from which developers can quickly upload and manage various files and folders.
  • User Management. The DSP takes care of user management, single sign-on, password hashing, and user roles. Developers can control which users get which applications, and which applications have access to various data objects and services.
  • SQL Services. The DSP includes a comprehensive and secure connection to a dedicated SQL database. It offers services for Create, Read, Update and Delete, as well as complex filtering and a complete suite of metadata services.
  • BLOB Storage. The DSP provides interfaces to all of the major BLOB storage systems including S3 and Azure BLOB. The master credentials to each service are hidden by the platform and users are granted access through single sign-on.
  • External Integration. The DSP can provision any number of integration points for external services such as email, NoSQL data, and BLOB storage. These services hide master credentials on the platform and can be administered by user role.


The DreamFactory Services Platform is available now as an open-source license from www.dreamfactory.com.
